Rare Diseases Moonshot partners welcome the pre-publication of the draft future Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) call topic: ‘Establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases’
The Rare Disease (RD) Moonshot partners welcome the inclusion of the rare and ultra-rare diseases in a recent IHI call topic which aims to establish novel approaches to improve clinical trials to ultimately transform the clinical research landscape and to boost drug development for rare diseases. This will be achieved by enhancing patient access to clinical trials and trial preparedness of investigational sites, as well as increasing acceptability of new tools and methods.
The work of this future consortium, which will be a public-private joint effort, will play a key role in preventing research fragmentation across Europe, with a direct impact on both patients living with rare and ultra-rare diseases and stakeholders involved in drug development
This proposed topic reflects the goals of the Moonshot partners – collaboration in an area where public private collaboration can really make a difference and an opportunity to aligning efforts with different existing Rare Disease and Paediatric initiatives.
In addition, the RD Moonshot partners are working to accelerate scientific discovery and drug development in rare and paediatric diseases for which currently there is no therapeutic option. By fostering greater collaboration and improving the sharing of data and knowledge, we can help change the lives of thousands of people.